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Cristiano Ronaldo Faux Hawk

Cristiano Ronaldo Faux Hawk style

Football Player Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal is known for his stylish haircuts. A Soccer Star and a style icon, he is admired and followed by millions world over. This star is seen attired in the most fashionable dresses and hairstyles of our times. His dress and his hairstyle set him apart from the other legendary stars. The difference is in his hairstyle. There are various styles that he adopts and done a different haircut for every occasion. The change is noticed every month.

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His hairstyles are called Cristiano Ronaldo Faux Hawk. They are short hairstyles with style and flexibility. They use short layers of hair with bountiful hair on the top; this portion is later styled into funky or conservative look. The fashion magazines display the Cristiano Ronaldo hairstyles for every season
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