How Can You Get Kristen Stewart Sexy Messy Hairstyle?
Kristen Jaymes Stewart (born April 9, 1990)[1] is an American actress who is best known for playing Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga film series and for her prolific work in independent films. She has also starred in films such as Panic Room (2002), Speak (2004), Zathura (2005), The Messengers (2007), Adventureland (2009), The Runaways (2010), Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), On the Road (2012), Camp X-Ray (2014) and Clouds of Sils Maria (2014) . She will star in an adaptation of the book Still Alice and Equals, with both movies projected for release in 2015. She is also the face of Chanel and Balenciaga fashion brands.

Kristen Stewart Long Messy Hairstyle
Here are the s0me tips can help y0u in this p0st to get Kristen Stewart’s Messy Hair Style.There is a simple and easy way t0 get this hairstyle.

Kristen Stewart Casual Messy Hairstyle

Kristen Stewart Messy Hairstyle
- Y0u must d0 it 0vernight t0 get better results.
- H0ld up all y0ur hair like yo0u are g0ing t0 tie it int0 a p0nytail.
- Twist them r0und and r0und as much as p0ssible.
- H0ld it up and clip it immediately. Rec0mmended: If y0u have seen it bef0re, use clips like th0se that’s big and can h0ld up all in 0ne.If you d0n’t have th0se, b0bby pins will d0 but your are g0ing t0 need t0ns.Keep it spiral when y0u are clipping it.
- Spray s0me hairspay after y0u have clipped it.(T0gether with th0se clips)
- G0 to sleep
- In the m0rning, when y0u have w0ken up, get y0urself ready first (bef0re the event) and 0nly do yo0ur hair the last part.
- Take 0ut all the clips.
- Move y0ur head upside d0wn and use y0ur hand t0 squeeze your hair.
- Move y0ur head back up and adjust s0me 0f y0ur hair.
- When y0ur finally satisfied, spray the hairspray all around your head.
- Then as f0r the fringe, if y0ur fringe is the long type, push it t0 the back and use your hand t0 bl0ck at your f0rehead then spray m0re hairsprays 0n t0p of y0ur hand.
- If y0ur fringe is sh0rt, do n0t use c0mb but use your hand t0 comb it t0 the side and obvi0usly, use the hairspray and spray it.
- If y0u have never perm y0ur hair curly or maybe your hair is srtaight, y0u must clipped it 0ver night 0r it won’t w0rk
- Your hair must n0t have water because it water will wash away all the hairspray.
- The waviness, it will n0rmally 0nly last three to four h0urs then it will be as bef0re.Even with hairspray. S0 time your event.
- Keep it as messy as p0ssible.
- Squeeze it from time t0 time.
- Use your hand t0 make spirals.
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